Note: I originally wrote the following blog post on December 29, 2015, on LinkedIn. It is becoming a tradition of mine to share it every new year this is by far my favorite thing that I wrote.
I just completed reading the book "Living with a Seal" by Jesse Itzler. It was the perfect precursor to mentally preparing myself for the new year. In a nutshell, the book reminded me of one of my favorite mantras in life, "There are excuses, and there are results".
Like most people, as each year comes to an end I reflect on the past year and plan my future goals. I am a huge fan of goals, like huge. I love stories about people enduring hardships, building strength, and reaching goals.
There Is Only One Thing that Will Keep Anyone from a Goal. Excuses! That's Seriously It. as Impossible as a Goal May Seem Sometimes, You Need to Just Put Your Head down and Chip Away. You Need to Find Patience, You Need to Learn to Quite Your Self Doubt, and You Need to Build a Fire inside You That No One Else Can Put Out!
I know a lot about setting "unreachable crazy" goals and meeting them I am a marathoner. Not just a marathoner, but a marathoner who is on the cusp of obtaining the Holy Grail of marathons qualifying for Boston.
The Story of How I Went from Not Being Able to Run More than 2 Miles, to Missing Out on Boston This past Year Is a Long Story. but in a Nutshell, I Created a Crazy Goal, Told People I Was Going to Do It and I've Been Focused, Head down, Chipping Away Every Single Day or Nearly 6 Years!
I have witnessed firsthand taking the impossible, and putting it within my reach. It takes dedication to the point of near obsession. Finding balance can be a struggle at times; tough decisions have to be made. Sacrifices will happen. This is where many people break. There are always two roads the one less traveled is traveled less for a reason, and it's hard.
But, I get it now. I have witnessed what amazing things can happen when you set your sights on a goal and don't let go of it.
So I am taking what I have learned in fitness and will be applying it to my real estate career this year.
I have built a solid foundation as a Realtor for the past 10 years, I am great at my craft. In 2016, the goals I have set to grow my business are in epic proportion.
I have two life goals this year one is to qualify for Boston. The other is a series of business goals that I consider either equal to or greater than qualifying for Boston. 
I am amped up for 2016 this year is going to be "In like a Lion, and out like a Fire-breathing Unicorn!"
No matter what your goals are for the New Year, remember you have two choices excuses or results. The road you take is up to you.
Katie Corcoran (aka aspiring fire-breathing unicorn)
Side Note: The Boston Marathon Logo is a unicorn. And also, for those who don't know, I qualified for Boston in 2016 and will be running it in 2018!

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